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Perfect in His Sight

Anna, an RFK camper, has been labeled as something of an "instigator." However, when the situation calls for it, she steps up and shows an amazing amount of spiritual maturity. One night, a scary story caused two campers to break down in hysterical sobs....

Prayer Portal – August 2020

Back to School!Please join us in praying these scriptures over our kids and teachers! Be still and know that I am God.(Psalm 46:10)All things God works for the good.(Romans 8:28)Cast all my anxiety on Him.(1 Peter 5:7)Know whose I am! (1 John 3:1)Trust in...

Prayer Warrior

Every night during camp, Uncle Steve and Aunt Donna bless our campers by reading stories to them before bedtime. As Uncle Steve began to finish up with one group of boys and leave for another room, six-year-old Carter spoke up. "Uncle Steve, could you...

Prayer Portal – July 2020

Please join us in praying this prayer for peace and serenity in this season. "O God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference; living one day at a time, enjoying one...

The “Un”

Chapel, held morning and evening at Royal Family Kids Camp, involves singing, praying, and talking. But the worship is full of life and movement and praise. One ordinary day, at one ordinary chapel time, the message was extraordinary. As Pastor Jeff...

Prayer Portal – June 2020

Camp in a Box! This week, our campers that had signed up for our first session of camp should be looking back at their photo albums and memories from camp a few weeks ago. Fortunately, we came up with an idea that gives our kids some camp experiences, just...

Upcomming Events



Windpower Conference

Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa.   More Details



Plant a Tree

Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa.   More Details



Save a Life

Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa.   More Details

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