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Thank You, Lord

God, we take time to pause and offer our thanks to you. We thank  you for the kids and teens that we get to serve, for all of our volunteers who joined us this year, and that we were able to safely hold all of our programs out at Camp Akiva. We ask that we...

Chosen Child of God

During chapel time this summer, the Bible teacher taught the campers a piece of the theme Bible verse each day. This particular year, it was 1 Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you...

Hope for What’s To Come

Lord, help your children to hear You saying, "I am your hope" over all the other voices. Lord, your word says, You are the hope for hopeless. So, we're running to You with hands stretched out and grabbing on to You.Lord, we pray that your children cling to...

Foundation Building

Zayonna and her fellow campers are having quiet time. They've just finished an hour jettisoning themselves around the camp's large pool, splashing and twirling away on pool floats, acting out underwater pantomimes that mimic mermaids. As the girls rest,...

A New School Year

As school starts in this pandemic world, pray with us over our kiddos that they may be successful in school and feel loved until we see them again! Dear God, Use their eyes to see new friends.Open their ears to hear their teachers.Open their minds to learn...

God is the Master Builder

Tap. Tap. Tap. Campers are learning to use small hammers, building crosses and birdhouses at the woodworking center. Each girl there has a hammer and nail, and is busy driving her nail into the top of a wooden table. One girl, Angelene, though, taps...

Upcomming Events



Windpower Conference

Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa.   More Details



Plant a Tree

Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa.   More Details



Save a Life

Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa.   More Details

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