by TheTwins | Feb 18, 2025 | Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children, Stories
Lessons in the Dish Room Let me set the scene… It is a beautiful, sunny, and warm February day out at Camp Akiva. 49 teens joined us for our Onward & Upward retreat, and we are all just finishing lunch. That means that some teens are hanging with their...
by TheTwins | Aug 24, 2021 | Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children, Royal Famiy Kids Camp
Planting Dreams I want you to meet Linzy. Long dark hair flowing. Pink dress swirling. Dreams of her prom day and picking out a long sparkly princess dress. Fresh rosy lollypop smile. I want you to meet Isabella. Blue dress blowing. Feather boa trailing. Dreams of a...
by TheTwins | May 18, 2021 | Onward & Upward, Stories
Tie Dye + Hope Tie dying shirts is an activity center that is a camp tradition. Over the years, and after many ruined clothes, we have improved the process to an art. The children don smocks and gloves for the task. They twist the shirts with rubber bands in any...
by TheTwins | Apr 23, 2021 | Camp Akiva, Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children, Prayer Portal, Royal Famiy Kids Camp, Stories, Summit
Hopeful Preparation Join us in prayer this month as we are hopeful and excited to be in full planning mode for finally seeing these kids and teens again! We are entering a season of retreats and camps, and after a year of waiting, we sure are full of hope!! Dear God,...
by TheTwins | Dec 11, 2020 | Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children, Stories
Dear Randall A great story from a counselor who attended an Onward & Upward retreat years ago. Randal Senter was the leader of the praise & worship band that weekend. Enjoy! Dear Randal, Let me tell you a story. 2011 was my camper’s first year at the Onward...
by TheTwins | Jul 27, 2020 | Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children, Prayer Portal, RISE, Royal Famiy Kids Camp, Summit
Prayer Portal – July 2020 Please join us in praying this prayer for peace and serenity in this season. “O God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference; living one day...