by TheTwins | Oct 4, 2013 | Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children
When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers back, “Try it one more time.” Nothing defines or describes our task better than the word HOPE. And when that word is sprinkled with verifiable love – BAM – there is a chain reaction of change. Take a look at...
by TheTwins | Mar 15, 2013 | Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children, Royal Famiy Kids Camp
Imagine the life of Trey, a young boy nearly six, and big brother to a three year old. Their mom is a street-walker and occasional drug user. She has lived with various men that “are taking care of her and the boys”. One night as she heads to work, she leaves her two...
by TheTwins | Mar 1, 2013 | Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children
There is no better way to begin the new year at Our Father’s Children than with a retreat. Onward & Upward, weekend retreats for 12-15 year old abused & neglected teens, was held in February and it was a great retreat! It was great because we got see the...
by TheTwins | Jan 30, 2013 | Fundraising, Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children, Royal Family Mentoring Club, Royal Famiy Kids Camp, Summit, Top
We’re excited to announce our 2013 Ambassadors of Hope Dinner & Auction will be held on Saturday, March 23rd. We would love to have you apart of our evening in raising funds and celebrating Our Father’s Children and our exciting Building Hope Capital...
by TheTwins | Jan 18, 2013 | Onward & Upward, Royal Famiy Kids Camp
Our Father’s Children started working directly with Royal Family Kids Camp in 1999 when it started it’s first camp that year. Ten plus years later and countless children of abuse and neglect between the ages of 6-11 have attended Royal Family Kids Camp....
by TheTwins | Nov 12, 2012 | Camp Akiva, Onward & Upward
What will be the first of many, volunteers and staff of Our Father’s Children took part in Camp Akiva Workday on Saturday, November 10th. The day was focused on cleaning up the grounds of the camp and demolishing some old cabins that will be replaced soon....