by TheTwins | Sep 23, 2020 | Our Father's Children, Stories
Perfect in His Sight Anna, an RFK camper, has been labeled as something of an “instigator.” However, when the situation calls for it, she steps up and shows an amazing amount of spiritual maturity. One night, a scary story caused two campers to break down...
by TheTwins | Aug 26, 2020 | Our Father's Children, Prayer Portal
Prayer Portal – August 2020 Back to School!Please join us in praying these scriptures over our kids and teachers! Be still and know that I am God.(Psalm 46:10)All things God works for the good.(Romans 8:28)Cast all my anxiety on Him.(1 Peter 5:7)Know whose I am! (1...
by TheTwins | Jul 27, 2020 | Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children, Prayer Portal, RISE, Royal Famiy Kids Camp, Summit
Prayer Portal – July 2020 Please join us in praying this prayer for peace and serenity in this season. “O God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference; living one day...
by TheTwins | Apr 16, 2020 | Our Father's Children, Royal Famiy Kids Camp, Stories
What I Liked About Today At each meal, we asked our campers at our table what they had liked best about that day. Which activity center did you do? Which was your favorite? Which game did you like most at organized games? What did you like best today? The first day,...
by TheTwins | Mar 18, 2020 | Archive, Our Father's Children, Stories
Snapshots He stands in the hot sun. Photographer Jon is waiting for the perfect action shot– a little camper swinging from the trapeze and splashing into the pond. Pure thrill and joy caught on camera. A picture that is then lovingly placed in the camper’s...
by TheTwins | Mar 15, 2020 | Fundraising, Our Father's Children
The impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been felt by everyone in our country and around the world. We are living in remarkable times and we are certainly praying for healing and eradication of this disease.Times like this call for difficult decisions to be made...