by TheTwins | May 17, 2022 | Our Father's Children, Royal Famiy Kids Camp, Stories
Putting Faith into Action RFKC has a new staff member for the July camp, Lisa. Lisa has financially supported OFC for more than 10 years and has participated in camp “work” days here and there. But she never took the step to attend camp until someone personally...
by TheTwins | Mar 30, 2022 | Our Father's Children, Prayer Portal
Gift of Spring God, Thank you for Spring and the hope of warmer, longer, brighter days. Thank you for the coming of growth and life.Thank you for our busy calendars, as they bring us closer to spending time with your children at camp.Lord when we struggle, help us to...
by TheTwins | Mar 23, 2022 | Our Father's Children, Royal Famiy Kids Camp, Stories
Newbies It’s always fun to watch the new campers at Royal Family Kids Camp. It seems they’re surprised at every turn. Little Kayla didn’t know what to expect. She met her friendly counselor, Pam, but the young girl seemed very reserved and a bit overwhelmed. After...
by TheTwins | Feb 22, 2022 | Our Father's Children, Prayer Portal, Royal Famiy Kids Camp
Loving Others At Onward & Upward weekend retreat a few weeks ago, we all learned about loving others (even our enemies). This stretches us out of our comfort zone and challenges us to love those who don’t look like us, act like us, or talk like us. Join us...
by TheTwins | Jan 18, 2022 | Our Father's Children, Royal Famiy Kids Camp, Stories
In this minute … be Strong and Courageous It’s the first night of camp. In this minute, camper Jackson can’t sleep. He tosses and turns in his bunk, his eyes opening wide to peer through the darkness. His room is quiet; the other campers are asleep...
by TheTwins | Nov 22, 2021 | Our Father's Children, Prayer Portal
Thank You, Lord God, we take time to pause and offer our thanks to you. We thank you for the kids and teens that we get to serve, for all of our volunteers who joined us this year, and that we were able to safely hold all of our programs out at Camp Akiva. We ask...