by TheTwins | Feb 18, 2021 | Our Father's Children, Royal Famiy Kids Camp, Stories
Happy Birthday, Sophia! It’s Wednesday evening, and the birthday festivities are in full swing. Campers are pooped from the birthday party outside, which includes unlimited bounce-house jumping, rock-wall climbing, cupcakes, face-painting, and snow-cones. Then,...
by TheTwins | Jan 18, 2021 | Camp Akiva, Our Father's Children, Stories
A True Melding Together of Hearts Nothing tells the story of camp like the view on Friday morning during the slide show. Early in the week, campers and counselors sat together in the chapel, but they are distinct when looking over the crowd. However, on Friday...
by TheTwins | Dec 29, 2020 | Our Father's Children, Stories
Not Just a Name Counselors and staff gathered in the chapel, and Darren picked up the mic. It’s his job to get camp started. He went over the rules, the expectations, the what-not-to-dos and introduced support staff. Then he started his talk. As he spoke, “not just a...
by TheTwins | Dec 21, 2020 | Our Father's Children, Royal Famiy Kids Camp, Stories
What Difference Does It Make? What difference can one week make in the life of a kid? Is all this work and planning really worth it? You get to know the kids for a few days, grow to love and understand them a little, and then you say good-bye. A few years ago, I...
by TheTwins | Dec 15, 2020 | Our Father's Children, Stories, Summit
Courage On her first attempt at the zip line, Becky only made it halfway up the steps when her fear took over and forced her to turn around, cautiously making her way back down to the ground. From there, as she watched her fellow campers, one after another, take the...
by TheTwins | Dec 11, 2020 | Onward & Upward, Our Father's Children, Stories
Dear Randall A great story from a counselor who attended an Onward & Upward retreat years ago. Randal Senter was the leader of the praise & worship band that weekend. Enjoy! Dear Randal, Let me tell you a story. 2011 was my camper’s first year at the Onward...