Our Father’s Children
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Reflections from September 2016
September was a busy month for OFC. Not only did we host our Onward & Upward teens for a weekend at Camp Akiva, but we participated in North Texas Giving Day for the second time. Onward & Upward was awesome! We took a group of teens for a fun-filled weekend that included lots of swim time,...
Abuse is Real – We Need Your Help! #NTXGivingDay
Do you have a heart for kids? Do you like to laugh, play games, go swimming, fish on a lake, and just have fun? Do you like the idea of mentoring a young child, filling them with HOPE and the love of Jesus. Sound like you? Make your summer vacation count by taking a week off to provide HOPE to...
2 Noodles and a Teddy Bear Bring Smiles and Hope
The second session of Royal Family Kids Camp was held in July with 131 children and 129 volunteers. There were over 50 new campers and thus a lot of first time memories were created. Our camp scribe captured these stories: Counselor Jay said his camper, James (6 years old), arrived on Monday and...
What a Summer!
Learn more about volunteering at ofckids.org!
Emmitt and another star of the evening
The 2016 Ambassador’s of Hope Dinner & Auction was a great success with the largest attendance to date and the most funds raised in one night in OFC’s history! To all who attended, we cannot thank you enough. Emmitt Smith’s message was powerful and his generosity abundant. Most everyone knows...
Renew Weekend 2016 – The Hills Church
This month marks my 6 year anniversary with Our Father's Children. In the month of May, each year, we've hosted our Summit retreat with high school teens & each year, I've driven the van containing the girls attending retreat. Most times, conversation revolves around school, prom, graduation,...