Our Father’s Children
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Support Systems
A couple of weeks ago, we spent time with our high school campers on the Summit retreat. Darren and Melinda shared their hearts that weekend about how important support systems are and how God fostered a passion to provide that for all the campers that drive through the Camp Akiva gate. This just...
Jesus’ Favorite Folks
Some of Jesus’ favorite people were fishermen. Just try eavesdropping at the fishing pond at camp, and you can certainly see why. You can see the patience, see the learning unfold, and hear the laughter. It’s not only a place for fish bites; you’ll catch some amusing sound bites as...
September Song
God, Be with the students who we serve as they continue this school year. May they grow in knowledge, character, and hope for their futures. Place educators in their path this school year who will support them and encourage them as they learn. We pray that they can make and maintain...
Safe Spaces
Lord, What a summer we had with your children! Our campers were full with joy, anxiety, bravery, humor, hesitation, enthusiasm, and new knowledge of Your love. Our volunteers were full with joy, love, energy, generosity, humor, and selflessness. It was a beautiful, rainy summer at...
Another Friday at Camp
Dear God, Thank you for everything you’ve done and provided for me this week at camp! I am just a little bit sad that camp is over. I will miss all of my new friends, and my counselor, and Puppet Louie (the most). I had such a great time!! Everyday I felt so special. On Monday, I was a...
Pray for them …
Lord,While we are anxious to serve your children this summer, our hearts are also heavy when we think of all the kids that we don’t see. For so many of your children that are in the foster care system, the summer isn’t all fun and games. These kids, Lord, are those we take a minute to...