Our Father’s Children


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Summit Weekend – Shaping Lives

Can you remember the years when you were 16-18 years old? They were years of making many decisions about life things that would shape and determine your future.  For the teenagers who went on the SUMMIT Retreat in May, they got a glimpse of how certain decisions could shape their lives in the near...

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Our Best Birthday Present

Texas in July. The only thing hotter might be the jalapeno peppers that spice our food. Not a problem if air conditioning is available, or if there’s a swimming pool nearby. Naturally, swim time is a favorite activity at Royal Family Kids Camp. Some children never experience that pleasure except...

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Dinner & Auction – Growing Forward = Success!

Smiling faces. Transformed kids. Sheer joy replacing masks of pain. You are playing a beautiful role in the lives of children of abuse, abandonment and neglect through your involvement in the annual Ambassadors of Hope Dinner and Auction.  And we can’t thank you enough!  The Dinner & Auction...

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This is Trey’s Story

Imagine the life of Trey, a young boy nearly six, and big brother to a three year old. Their mom is a street-walker and occasional drug user. She has lived with various men that “are taking care of her and the boys”. One night as she heads to work, she leaves her two boys with a sitter; a friend...

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2013 Dinner & Auction: Growing Forward

We're excited to announce our 2013 Ambassadors of Hope Dinner & Auction will be held on Saturday, March 23rd.  We would love to have you apart of our evening in raising funds and celebrating Our Father's Children and our exciting Building Hope Capital Campaign for Camp Akiva. You can register...

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